Plant-based Food – The Future is Now

The plant-based food revolution is over and sustainable food alternatives are firmly entrenched in the diets of consumers in 2024. In 2021 and again in 2024,  Rakuten Insight surveyed participants from their 12 proprietary panels in Asia. In 2021, the time of our initial survey, results indicated that many consumers had tried plant-based food alternatives and some products had already been accepted into diets across our panel markets, such as milk, cheese & meats. Now in 2024, the sector has matured and no longer sparks the question if people are ready, but more what are the latest trends within plant-based food alternatives.

Download the report to find out more on:

  • The surge in plant-based food consumption across APAC.
  • The most popular plant-based alternatives.
  • The frequency of consumption.
  • Key motivators driving consumer choices.
  • Barriers to adoption and how they are being addressed.

Plant-based food alternatives – The future is now

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